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Happy Days are here again! :-)


Mario and I are excited to try a new method of keeping the family up to date of all the happenings in La Casa De Scade….. Well, let’s get to it!

Many of you have been wondering how Mario is doing with his hands. After his nerve test determined that he did not, in fact, have carpal tunnel syndrome, he was put on steroids as a measure of last resort and referred to a rheumatologist. I decided to do some serious research on inflammation. While there are many causes, and it’s difficult to know what exactly causes it, it seems that a work injury triggered some massive inflammation in his hands, which was aggravated by all the typing and work he was doing at the time. I researched myself silly, and came up with the top anti-inflammatory dietary supplements out there. There is a lot of cutting edge research and studies to back these up. Enter, the Dream Team of antioxidants/anti-inflammatories:

1. MSM (sulfur)
2. Krill Oil
3. Evening Primrose Oil
4. Liquid Chlorophyll
5. Astaxanthin
6. Glucosamine
7. Curcumin (Turmeric extract)
8. Liquid Magnesium

So the verdict is…. he has been on the supplements for a week now and already feels much better! 2 weeks ago he took steroids and was in the worse pain I’ve ever seen him in. They did very little for him. I’m so glad we seem to have found the answer. The supplements are really just allowing and supporting his body to heal itself naturally and they are good for him anyway. So, Happy Days! 🙂

In Olivia news, she had her 9 month check up today with the doctor and the report is that she is in perfect health at 18.3 lbs (8 Kilos) and 28 inches (71 cm). She also had a hemoglobin test to look for anemia and it was negative. So, perfection as usual. Olivia was not impressed with the Doctor and was only interested in the paper on the table….

In other Livy news, she is walking all the time now and eating everything she can get her hands on. She also enjoys getting a nice oatmeal and banana puree from her brother ….. 🙂

Well that’s all for now! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! Love to all! XOXOXO